"We are all one substance involved in the same terrible struggle, turning matter into spirit."
Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Self Portrait on exhibit in NYC

"Easel's Eye" by Chuck Berk
2011 • acrylic on bristol • framed 26.75" x 31.5"
(click here »»» WIP to view the Work In Progress)

self portrait on exhibit with
The National Society of Painters in Casein & Acrylic
~ Place: Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth Avenue
~ Dates: May 23 - June 10, 2011


Ron Dicianni said...

nice to say what you have done to show your portrait and its really interesting

Chuck Berk said...

Thanks Ron. The painting would have been more successful if the model held still...lol!